You’ll need to obtain two things to work with this tutorial.

  1. Be able to launch IPython Notebook
  2. Obtain the github repository for this workshop

Obtaining Tutorial Notebooks

  1. Clone the github repository for this workshop
  2. At the command line, cd to the 1-Python/notebooks.
  3. Type ipython notebook.
  • This should open a new tab in a web browser. (We suggest Firefox.)
  • To start a new notebook from scratch for today’s demo, click on New Notebook
  • You can see the notebook from the demo here

Useful IPython Notebook Commands

The most important one:

  • shift-Enter: run the current cell
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This file can be edited directly through the Web. Anyone can update and fix errors in this document with few clicks -- no downloads needed.

  1. Go to Running IPython Notebook on GitHub.
  2. Edit files using GitHub's text editor in your web browser (see the 'Edit' tab on the top right of the file)
  3. Fill in the Commit message text box at the bottom of the page describing why you made the changes. Press the Propose file change button next to it when done.
  4. Then click Send a pull request.
  5. Your changes are now queued for review under the project's Pull requests tab on GitHub!

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